laboratorio restauro opere mobili principale

In our headquarter, a big laboratory of artworks, also remarkable dimensions, occupies a large area. Inside it  there are specialist installations as a temperature and pressure controlled work plan ( it is a table for lining of paintings on canvas); an installation of toxics gas aspiration during works of  consolidation and cleaning; a side  for final varnishing,  with installation for gasses aspiration; a large work plan with two rolls for winding of  remarkable  paintings on canvas. We use it for restoration of historic curtains. At the first , every artworks is disinfested according to internal protocol; then it comes in the  laboratory, with an identification tag, if it needs of restoration or in the  ideal microclimatic  deposit, waiting for restoration. It is registered in apposite technique   sheet for computerized control of workings becoming part of historic database. In the laboratory we restorer artworks, different for period or materials as: archeological objects of ceramic, metallic….; detached frescoes; paintings on canvas; paintings on panel and wooden sculptures; archivist goods and book goods, artworks on paper; multi-material artworks   and contemporary artworks in industrial material.

laboratorio beni librari p2
Restauro di opere mobili